SKCC 5123T----- FISTS 14979----- Flying Pigs 2331----- NAQCC 3610-----QRP ARCI 14176-----Polar Bear 257

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Skeeter Hunt 2020 for N4KGL

Skeeter Hunt is an annual QRP event sponsored by the New Jersey QRP Club  I operated outdoors portable from Dothan, AL. The temps were in the 90s but picking a shady spot helped. Tom WD0HBR allowed me to use the vacant lot next to his Mother's house. My rigs were the Wilderness Sierra kit on 40 meters and a Wilderness SST-20 kit on 20 meters. The antenna was the 68-foot end-fed that Myron WV0H built for me. I enjoyed spending time with Tom who helped me copy the weak sigs. Suzy enjoyed the afternoon as well. It was a pleasure running into my friend  Bobby AK4JA from Georgia on 40 meters. I had 18 contacts of which 14 were fellow skeeters. The rest were 100-watt stations. The Skeeters were not as plentiful as they could have been due to conditions, but enough for a fun afternoon. 

The Sierra and the SST-20, both are Wilderness kits I built.

Suzy relaxing in the shade