Sunday, June 10, 2012

AlexLoop In the Living Room

The AlexLoop arrived in the mail Saturday about 11 AM. It comes in a nice bag and the setup is easy. I found all I had to do was flip the post on my camera tripod and the loop fits nicely. Then well it is rainy outside and I'll just have to try it out in the living room. Expectations were low of course. My first QSO was N4UED in NC on 20 CW. Well not so solid but OK. Then why not try 40 meters. I had a great QSO with WB4BFO in Milton FL about 90 miles away. Then back to 20 and had a solid QSO with KF4TJE Burns TN  followed by KG5WY Fort Worth TX. I am feeling good at this point because  they say 40 and 20 are not even the best bands for the loop. All these contacts were with the Youkits HB-1B at 5 watts.

It just happened that the SKCC Weekend Sprint was under way. So continuing from the couch on 20 meters, I worked MI, NY, AZ, and UT. Then this AM on 40 meters I made calls to AZ and MI with no luck. Then I worked Joe K4NVJ in Calera AL. I think the closer they are increases the chances on 40 meters.

The loop is expensive but the payback was fast. Credit due to Alex PY1AHD for a great product. The loop is available in the US from Ralph W4RT. This opens up many venues to operate. I am pleased with the the portability, ease of setup and yes performance as well.

Have Loop Will Travel!

Greg N4KGL