Monday, June 4, 2012

Alabama QSO Party as K6JSS Op in Alabama

I volunteered to operate as K6JSS from Alabama in the Alabama QSO Party. I was one of several in the team headed up by Craig NM4T. My Alabama QTH was my parents in Dothan. AL. I have an off center dipole in the very tall pines there on Pinetree Drive.  My rig was the Icom 703 at 5 watts.

One goal was to make K6JSS available to QRPers in the QRP ARCI 2012 State QSO Party Challenge. So I just called CQ. In my three hour slot I had 13 contacts around 14.060 and 6 on 7.050. There was one exception I worked a special event station on 20 meters SSB. So the total was 20 Qs. I know W2KJ was QRP in a park in NC and Don K3RLL was was on his FT 817 in PA. It was a pleasure to work my friend Mike K4MTI back in Panama City. I also worked Jim W4QO in Georgia who is heading up the challenge.

Of course all QRP contacts are fun! I look forward to meeting the QRP folks at the Huntsville Hamfest August 18 and 19.

Greg N4KGL